Friday, January 26, 2007

My latest obsession

Modest Mouse's new single, "Dashboard." This song is infectious. Like Oukast's "Hey, Ya" and Smashmouth's "Walkin' on the Sun" that came before, I can't sit still when I hear "Dashboard". My friend Kate will often refer to the time we were walking from Piper's Alley and we passed a bar where "Hey Ya" was blasting from inside. I stopped on the sidewalk and simply started dancing. "Dashboard" is that song. My coworkers love it. I dance at work. And then, it gets inside my head so I hear it all the time. If you happen to be by me and I spontaneously start moving erratically, keep two things in mind: 1) I'm dancing, and 2) I most likely have "Dashboard" in my head. It's on their MySpace page. Check it out, funk soul brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was told you had a quote of the day thing going....

I'm everywhere, Cupper. MWah ha ha haaaaaa