Friday, December 12, 2008

Did You Hear...?

...who's hosting the Oscars?

OK, I was going to make you guess, but you've probably already heard.

Hugh Jackman.

How do you feel about it?

I kind of went, "Oh." And then I thought about it. I like it. It's different, yes. But I think in a good way. I don't know, I guess I feel he might bring a more regal quality to the Oscars? Not necessarily because he's Hugh Jackman but more that he's an actor. That the ceremony won't be based on how many jokes are landed/missed but rather by the awards themselves.

In the end, I'll probably be way off. It'll just be like any other Oscars with bad jokes and probably a song and dance number at the beginning. But I appreciate that they're trying something different.

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