Friday, November 23, 2007

5 Things

Tracy tagged me with this a while ago.

List 5 things that certain people (who are not deserving of being your friend anyway) may consider to be "totally lame," but you are, despite the possible stigma, totally proud of. Own it. Then tag 5 people to do the same.

1) Part of the reason I don't get a lot of sleep is because I think looking tired is cool. A friend/coworker told me the other day that I looked like I had returned from an alcohol fueled binge in Sierra Leone. Compliment? Check.

2) I am proud of my Netflix queue. Recently, I had He-Man and the Masters of the Unvierse, Battlestar Galactica (2000's), and Ingmar Bergman's Fanny and Alexander at home.

3) My DVD collection is director.

4) When I am in a store and things are out of order on the shelves, I am always tempted to correct this. I sometimes follow through.

5) When I was young, and we're talking elementary school here, I would daydream about being married. My daydreams changed a little bit with the onset of puberty, but that desire was still there.

I'm going to tag Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Johannes Brahms, Tom Cruise, and Mickey Mouse.

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