Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday Night Lights

Everyone's missing it. Everyone's passing it up for other things. They're looking the other way. "But look, over there. It's Stars. They're dancing! Magical dancing stars!" Paint something pretty for the people, they'll flock. Promises of no indigestion, everyone signs up.

I've probably just shot myself in the foot. I have good friends who watch Dancing with the Stars. And I've never gone with the status quo. People instinctively know this about me and generally turn the other way when I say to look. But still I tell you, beg you, to look. Look at Friday Night Lights. It's the best damn show on television.

Did you see the movie? This is not some cheap knock-off. The executive produce of the TV version was the director of the film. It has the same feel.

Don't like football? The finest episode yet was this week and didn't have a game in it. The coach did not tell his wife that it's tradition to have the team over on the week off. 100+ people show up. How this situation was dealt with was alternately hilarious and touching, but at all points true. The other story was the new quarterback dealing with the town's doubts, and his own, that he is capable of getting the job done. Oh, and he finally talked with the girl he likes, leading to the best line of the show.

I don't know what else to say. It has some of the best acting anywhere on TV. I want everyone to watch this show. Check this episode out at This week, it's on this week on Monday, 10 e.t. and 9 c.t. Right after Heroes. Just stop by for a moment. Let me know what you think.



Tracy Lee V said...

You have friends that watch "Dancing with the Stars"? Really? I don't know anyone who watches that show.

FNL is a suitably impressive show. Currently battling with Studio 60 for best damn show on television. I pick Studio 60, you pick Friday Night Lights. Everyone should be watching both of these, if given a chance. I do think that Kyle Chandler is a fine looking fellow, though. Interestingly, if one IMDB's him, you find that he is in post-production on a movie directed by Peter Berg ("The Kingdom"), coincidence? I think not. Also, that he's rumored to be in a possible upcoming movie remake of "I dream of Jeannie." Fascinating. Do we really need an "I dream of Jeannie" remake? I ask the American public this. And the answer, I fear, is no. But we shall see. Kyle Chandler, do not lead us astray, to "Jeannie"-land. Keep acting like you coach football. Or acting like you deliver eerily prophetic newspapers. Stick to what you know...

Tracy Lee V said...

Oh, and also, the writing story credit for "The Kingdom" goes to Michael Mann. Adding another level of "Hmmm..."
Should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry, but I watch Dancing with the Stars.

Well, we record it and Vicky watches it while I sort of pay attention.

I love Studio 60 too, Tracy, it's awesome.

Perhaps I will check it out online!

Anonymous said...
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Emily said...

We watch FNL, and I echo your sentiments. I just hope it will continue in its quality for consecutive seasons. We shall see...
In the meantime, The Office never disappoints!

Jake VanKersen said...

I'm taking a firm stand against reality TV and hoping NBC makes the right call and sticks with these shows. Maybe if Howie Mandel wouldn't give away hundred os thousands of dollars five nights a week the show would be safe as well as Studio 60