Friday, February 09, 2007

Oh, what might have been.

Here, read this. This is from IMDb's Studio Briefing for February 7, 2007. I'll be back at the bottom.

Newly Counted College Kids Give Some Shows Big Boost

Analysts pointed out that several shows last week got a boost as a result of college-age viewers being included in the Nielsen survey for the first time. As Washington Post TV writer Lisa De Moraes observed, "Previously, they got in on the Nielsen action only when they went home to do laundry at holidays." ABC's Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, and What About Brian; NBC's Scrubs and The Office; Fox's Til Death; and CW's Gilmore Girls all saw huge leaps of 50 percent or more in their ratings for 18-49-year-olds. Scrubs, in fact, saw its ratings in that demo double.

Hey, me again.

WHAT!?!?!?!? You just started counting? Can we look at the statistics? One in particular. Scrubs doubled. DOUBLED!!! This from a show that I think has nearly been on the chopping block several times. You think they might reconsider now?

But what pisses me off most about this is the shows that we've lost that we didn't have to lose. The first one that came to mind for me was Arrested Development. You know kids on college campuses were watching that. The other show I thought of was Ed. Now I never watched Ed, but it seems like What About Brian perhaps inherited those viewers. In a conversation I had about this last night, Firefly came up.

I don't know. What do you think? What shows have we lost that we needn't have?


John said...

Well, Family Guy wouldn't have been cancelled that first time.

But I'm not sure if Firefly would have stuck around. FOX was doing their damnedest to kill that series. They preempted it with baseball playoffs frequently, and showed the series out of order. Perhaps the scales would have been tipped, but it still would have been a fight.

Dan Telfer said...

Fox also did their worst to kill Arrested Development. Sometimes it's not just ratings, it's a network that has a grudge against it's own programming. I think it was an agenda that killed AD.

And I think TV rating are a lot like the electoral college- they don't function to get the best. They target one group, never deviate. Hopefully this new system will make things cooler for everyone. Can you imagine if either of the main political parties in this countries started their primary in a different state? That's how big this is!

Dan Telfer said...

I kind of blurred the electoral college with primaries, but I think the analogy between Neilsen and politics is still viable!

Aurora said...

My So-Called Life

Kate said...

Don't forget Freaks and Geeks! And although I really hate to even think it... I wouldn't be surprised if Friday Night Lights became the latest in the line of shows with amazing first seasons that never got a second chance. At least AD had three seasons... that's something. My poor little fifteen year old heart never got to see if Angela Chase chose Brian Krakow over Jordan Catalano...

Although admittedly I'd rather have one season of perfection than to watch something I loved start to suck (I'm looking at you La Femme Nikita! 5 seasons and only the first was worth watching..)